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Monday, June 30, 2008

Hahas shall blog abit...
thanks abby =)

Fresh pizza FTW... stale pizza suckzxzxz
Today went cafe cartel to eat dinner and do hw lol... had a fun time there and the thing is, we really did more hw compared to last time! =D
My first porkribs were very hard and i eat halfway then go ask the ppl change... then he really change! the second one is only half la.. but super shiok lol...
cafe cartel rocks =D
And this is for JF one... lol =PP

Hahas well nothing else to blog abt or maybe is me just being lazy...
so just kope smthing from my previous blog and put here... enjoy =)


Muffled sounds drifted from the ajar door into the ears of the captive. Darkness surrounded his otherwise naked body. The only thing that adorned him was a sickly ray of light shining across his torso like a white sash. His hands were clenched in pain.

“A former Chinese boxer,” the voices outside said, “We found this Chinese recruit lying under a banyan tree after the skirmish.”

The voices faded. The captive tried to recall what happened, his sweaty brow furrowed in concentration. Drops of blood oozed out of his wounds and mingled with his perspiration, running down his arms, thigh and feet. All he could think was pain.

It was dusk. The regiment was approaching the temporary Japanese base situated near some Malay settlement. The setting sun painted the landscape red, and soon it would really be; red with blood. It was only a few moments before the invasion started. The man and his comrades charged towards the sloppily built tents and opened fire, bullets bursting from the tip of their rifles. The Japanese soldiers screamed in horror and pain as bullets reduced their bodies into bloody shreds.

Suddenly the man fell, as if knocked over by some unseen force. All instincts told him to run for cover. Every step was a step of agony. Eventually he reached the banyan tree. He collapsed in pain, blood pouring from the gaping bullet hole on his thigh.

The captive tried to move his blood-soaked arms. They were chained to the wall. Now he could see through the darkness, and the walls of the room were decorated with implements of torture, implements of pain.


The cane smashed onto the bare flesh of the boy. He was back in his childhood home, a kampong.

“I told you not the feed the beggar!” his step mother screeched, continuing to thrash him. Stroke after stroke landed, the boy howled in pain. The boy had been through the wrath of his petty and selfish step mother many times before. Nevertheless nothing could deter him from going back to the beggar and feeding him. This was how he was brought up, experiencing a childhood of pain.

He was now in a boxing ring. The audience howled as the man landed a crushing blow onto the opponent. The opponent retaliated by landing a volley of blows to the man’s solar plexus. The man withstood the pain and made his retribution, finally leaving the opponent on the ground, writhing in pain.

He was now in the recruit camp, hours before the fateful skirmish. He was recruited for his physical prowess and his endurance. The man stood up, legs aching, but no pain can deter him from fighting the Japanese, from fighting for his country…

He was back in the interrogation room, and darkness once again surrounded him. Footsteps approached the door. The man’s breathing quickened, just like when he was thrashed by his mother, just like when he fought his opponent in the boxing ring, just like when he was shot. His mind was made up; no amount of pain can deter him from achieving his goals, and no amount of pain can force him to betray his country.

The door finally opened.

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 8:01 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lolx long time no blog cos very busy with school and homework all these stuff... hahas
and rjc still haven't inform me abt de dsa results, damn nervous sia... I think I screwed up the last audition lei... =( so not sure wad they will say.
Holiday hw still left alot nvr do.. and unlike other holidays... this time the teacher really will chase for de homework one! hahas so very busy lor...
all you ppl nvr bring de 13 dollars for phys rev bk better bring faster! Mr tan is impatient! he has little time left! =PPPP

Well as i should be doing hw now i just blog abit la, not too much, so enjoy this essay i wrote for de eng enrichment today =)


Startled, he roused from the bizarre experience. He hands clenched the bed sheets, soaking them in perspiration. His still-unfocused eyes darted about as he recalled the recent visions. The dreams had come to him one by one, night by night; and the evasiveness of their purpose and meaning mortified him.

The first dream was a man in black, standing upon a hill. The hill was surrounded by waters in turmoil, some parts black, and some parts white; and they seemed to be divided against each other.

He could see black waves rising; and the white ones too. Nevertheless, the white waves always crashed upon the black, smothering them, suppressing them.

The man opened his mouth, his face gaunt and sickly, nevertheless it still shone with wisdom and compassion. He said over the tossing waters, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

And that was how the dream ended.

The second dream came upon him like a thief in the night. Unlike the previous chaos, this dream was peaceful. Sunlight was streaming upon a seat. Out of a window nearby, one could see things passing by, sometimes a dewy meadow, sometimes a brilliant countryside streaked with gold. It could be inferred that by the passing sceneries that the seat was situated in some sort of vehicle.

The seat was clean, except for a streak of white paint on it. Suddenly there was a tremor throughout the vehicle, and dust blew forth from the ground and hung in the air. The black dust settled, but on the seat, the dust could not. The white streak persevered, selfishly, refusing to be covered by the black dust.

And that was how the dream ended.

The most bizarre dream came upon him this every night. Now he was standing on the top of the hill. The waters around him were still in turmoil. Suddenly, he felt a force he never felt before moving his body. He raised his arms and opened his mouth.

He never got to hear what he spoke, but just before he woke up from the dream, he saw the waters calm.

He pondered about what they meant day and night. As he sat beside a table on the fourth night, he began to see the meaning in them. Inspiration and determination slowly flowed forth like a bubbling spring. He picked up his quill and began to write.

It was day, and he was standing at a high place; at the step of a memorial. Multitudes, regardless of race, were gathered below and around him. He opened his mouth:

“I have a dream, five score years ago…”

Yes, Martin Luther king had a dream.

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 3:56 AM

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chionging hw like siao now... actually still got slack... last night stayed up until 4 watching anime! =((
how ah, plus my hcl hw i don't think i'm gonna make it...
well now just do my best liao!
Current status: (X=Not Done, V=Done)
2 ws X
2 graded assignments X
18 V
19 V
20 V
Revision Book:
1 V
2 V
3 V
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X
9 X
10 X
11 X
12 X
13 X
14 X
15 X
16 X
17 X
18 X
19 X
20 X
21 X
22 X
2 Mock Papers X
Ten yr Series X
2 Narratives X
2 Argumentatives X
2 Newspaper Reviews X
1 Formal Letter X
1 Personal Letter X
1 Mock Paper X
1 Speech Script V
Mock Exam Paper X

Total Finished:
Physics guidebook 18-20
rev book 1-3
Chinese Speech Script

Yeah so now you all know my pain!!!
Still got ppl like esther all these, that are confident i will finish, hahas
Kk we'll see, if i finish, i treat mac, if i nvr finish you must treat crystal jade!
hehe joke joke only la =PP

Hahas now on to random stuffs

Wuzun thinks of getting married!!!

Well that may be sad news to all you fan girls out there! cos once he's married, no more "Chun's mine!" anymore! =PP
But seriously, finally there's someone in the entertainment industry's who's in the right mind, no sex scandal, no affairs, no "celibacy" because of "workload". He says its because his father is getting old and would like to see a grandson, so he'll try his best to get married(or get laid? =PPPPP) despite the stress of the media industry. That's like so filial la! He's not just a pretty face, hahaas Chun's da best~!(Although Farenheit sucks in live concerts =X)

Well MCR's concert's over! didn't watch though, it was clever of them to place it during the june holidays... hahas but well i don't think it'll be worth it. (buying their albulm would be more worth it)
Their songs are great as aways, but their concerts, not.
They can be said as the american version of farenheit, both can't sing for nuts in their live performances.
Gerald Way went off tune during his performances!
For example, compare both clips of the same song "Famous Last Words"

Album (much better)

Well Gerald just seems to have half the range he has in live performances compared to the album, he avoids hitting all the high notes such as "asleep or dead!" in "famous last words". Well but half of his range is already damn good la... damn so want to be like him('cept the concert part)
I admire his expressions! =D so funny and expressive, He's a great artist and rocks, well to a certain extent~(large)

Omg this is so funny, him having a shock lol thats so cute

WEll his hair pwns

Hahas now to my favourite Inoue mao and Mastumoto jun!
You would think that they were a couple but that's the beauty in their acting =D

Damn the pic actually is starting to make me abit jealous... hahas
And matsu's curly hair is irresistible! ^^

She's just tooo adorable but well matsu's still the best for her i guess... Sigh

Hahas well enough of all this, school's starting in a few days' time and I'm still not in the mood! =((

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 6:54 AM

Monday, June 16, 2008

Back from church camp a few days ago! And it was such a great time for me and for God! (yeah because we go there not just for ourselves but for him also!) Hahaas it was a totally new experience for me considering all the previous church camps I went before. And God fulfilled his prophesy and answered my prayers! praise God! Well save that for later and tok abt the camp first...

We went there a day earlier than the main congregation with dexter, abby, sarah and benneo(he take car) and on the 7 hour plus bus trip I realised that i nvr bring headphone!!! =OOOO then cannot listen to music!!! =( lol but i lived through the 7 hrs la, half alive, half dead.... (asleep) =P

On Day 0(let's just call it that) we stayed in the hotel room and played guitar, half composed a country song and made some music video of power rangers and happy bday with benneo and dex. hahas...

The 1st day we went to last minute swimming before everyone arrived!
supercold sia... have wind blowing like siao


Wet Arabs of the desert

Dex's a Dolphin

Waaah benneo seh! =D

They have arrived!

We were changing room for 1st day onwards and waiting for the room rey was agonising! the hotel was booked full and we had to wait for rooms to be checked out and prepared before recieving the key! and ppl also change change rooms and affect the order of registration so the hotel and church staff in charge of such things were overwhelmed. can see they stress when we found them to get our room key.

After settling down we had services and worships. I was quite surprised as the camp theme was exactly the same as previous church camp in Beijing BICF! The bible verse also the same sia... but the approach to the theme was different and i think it's a blessing from god to see his word being omnipotent and omniapplicable. we experienced great movement in the holy spirit within us. God's healing hands touched the congregation of the church:
-ppl once bound on wheel chair but now can walk
-ppl eyesight improve (dexter's dad! =DDD)
-ppl knees being cured of rheumatism or arthritis and being able to run and squat again
-ppl with sports related back and elbow injuries being healed
-ppl being able to hear clearer (no more hearing aid!)
-ppl having allergies being healed!
I was once a skeptic of such faith healing events and even doubted whether it was biblically correct, for many years lived with the belief (or maybe unbelief?). Until today. I can say that God really changed my perception of him in this camp, not only he is a healer of hearts, but a healer of everything! praise the lord!

He also touched us through the gift of prophesy, preacher mike connell urged us to have faith and listen to god, and to practice prophesying for each other(asking god to reveal a person's needs for prayer to us).
-i was touched by seeing the degree of faith mike connell has with god in his life.
-i was touched by seeing the power of god working through the entire congregation, ppl had sensations on their bodies and they came out to pray for those who were affected in those parts.
-i was touched by the way god worked through me (the person i least expect to achieve anything due to my unopen spiritual life) and that he used me to prophesy for brother terry and pastor daniel. (I had a vision of a pen and it turned out that terry was a teacher)

I was also touched by the unity of god's ppl, that even we sometimes had opinions or even grudges for each other, we still prayed as a church, as a cell and as a friend or brother in christ.

For the remaining 4 days, we hung out as a group during our free time
Hang out group:Benneo, Dexter, Leslie, Bryan, Andrew Lu, Joshua Kwa, Sarah, Abi, Serphina, Eunice, Jewel, me.

Had fun shopping and hanging out!
hangout points(copied from dex's blog):
- Hotel Berjaya Times Square (connected to shopping center)
- Shabu Shabu restaurant ( UBER cheap steamboat)
- ChinaTown (got lostt!!!)
- Jalan don't know what (stingray! Satay! lala!)
- Swimming pool
- Sauna
- Each other's rooms
- Function hall(for service, for buffet meals)
- the pavillion
- KL's biggest music shop
- Sungei Wang
- F.O.S
- StarBucks
- many more!

In hotel lift

our roomates!


Evil spiderman! (lol)

Benneo use gatsby hair wax! =P

Large and cheap! =P

Who's he waiting for? hahas

Bros in christ


brotherly love siol

Eat! the food there also cheaper!

Nvr go themepark lol

Watched movies!
-narnia:prince caspian(watched in theater! there the ticket so cheap, can only use the money buy nachos in sgp)
-1408(ben's ps2)
-kung fu panda(ben's ps2)
-flood, watch halfway (ben's ps2)

At night sleep quite comfortable la... but cold in the morning! i managed to survive through camp without any sweater or wad! lol reminds me of china you know... the cold gusts of air in the hotel!

WE hung out in each other's rooms, do random stuff, play ps2, watch movies, and also got scandal somemore... hahas =PPPP

Supressing the demon of lust.... lol

We planned a game: "2502" where ppl had to save a hostage from a room by searching for the bible and the hostage! lol
cast of the game: Abby, Benneo, Dex, Me, Sarah

The hostage!

phantom of the opera! lalas

Phantom and scream

Scream and werewolf scandal!

set for the ambush! XD heeheheheheeh

Commenced! Joshua's down!

This should be the ad for our game! how ironic... shes the one that came closest to winning!

Fun sia... but too bad nvr scare 2 ppl of our hang out group cos if time constraints and complaints of noise form neighbour....(cos of eunice's high pitch!) hahas

Well it was really an enjoyable camp and may be the pinnacle of the june hols this year... now on to my testimony! (clutches testicles now)

Pastor Derrick asked for ppl with allergies to go up to be prayed for, and as you know many ppl in the camp experienced allergy healing like able to eat crab and all these. I also asked pastor daniel to pray for my nose, which is affected by sinusitis and will be the first to flare up during an allergy. But i was rather disappointed as nothing much came out of the prayers during the camp.

I often experienced allergies in the form of continuous runny nose with copious amounts of watery mucus coming out, itching eyes and if the the very extent, asthma. I have little stuff I'm allergic too but i have rather weird allergens, such as after bathing(if the water gets into your nose or you blew your nose while showering), after washing face, after going to take socks.

I was rather surprised in the day i came back from camp that my nose didn't react after washing face, and somemore i was using an old facial cleanser(new one ran out) that sure will kena allergy one last time. and somemore when i took socks this morning i also didn't suffer from runny nose! my allergy to them was gone! praise the lord! This really show that if you sincerely believe in the character of god, and to claim things that go with his character and will, he will bless you.

That was prayers being answered, but terry's prophecy for me came true also! He had a vision of an empty fish tank. And he felt that god wanted to tell me that if have some place that are empty or in need on my live and he is goign to fill them up in his time. then terry asked whether it applied to my life, and i told him abt the DSA i was very worried abt. so we prayed abt it. Then on the next day, unbeknownst to me, at singapore, vjc called my mother and told her there was an audition. It was really weird as i only submitted the online application but not the letter containing documents yet, and normally they would only call after they have recieved all. Then the same thing happened ytd for rjc! they called me abt the audition when i nvr submit everything yet. Today was the rjc audition and there is a second round of audition tomorrow. God has blessed me and answered my prayers and i believe that he has not finished yet and will still continue seeing me through and blessing me throughout the entire ordeal! How great is our god, Now i only want to sing laudate dominum! laudate dominum omnes populi!

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 8:01 PM

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
say, "You're no longer called my lover!" k next question
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Get superpowers that can grant me everything from strength to money, lol
3. If your house was on fire, what is the one thing you would take to preserve?
Nothing in particular... maybe money? so i can get a new house or smthing
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
spend 5 million in investments and get more money rolling in! buy a nice house, go overseas, bla bla.... hahah
5. What's your ideal lover like?
not sure? kissable? huggable? lovable? sharable? fuckable?(lol)
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
It is more blessed to give than to receive! Well loving someone is something you can control right?
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
until the person comes? well its not like you can go off and do something else right? it's a passive thing, waiting, that is. If you asked me abt finding, that'll be another thing all together.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Cry? lol not sure... I'm not gonna do wad happened last year ever again! =(
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
lots! hw! Os! Frens! DSA! and more!
10. What cheers you up the fastest?
Watching something nice on the comp... like anime?(Dramas can be depressing... but all is worth it in the end =))
11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Older! =D
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Frens? Parents? God?
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Chengyee? dunno lar... cos she keeps evading my smses!!! raar! =PPPPP
14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
NAh... even i was the latter, I wouldn't just accept my destiny like that; I'll get rich. =DDDD
15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
Sleep? morning is like 1am all these wad... lol
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Well the answer is very subjective! even the question itself is subjective... begging the question.
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
That would nvr happen! hahahs maybe liking 2 ppl at the same time? but loving? no. Hmm but if that really happens... maybe let the 2 fight themselves out? hahahs
18. What type of friends do you like?
Friends that are fun, open, understanding and stable.
19. What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
JEEEEREH!!! Get it?

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 6:47 AM

Monday, June 9, 2008

Just came back from genting ytd, woke up at 4.50pm today! can you believe it? hahas
WEll actually is because last night slept at 5am la, watching videos online on my mother's comp(which is only available at night and early morning!) my comp cannot be used to watch vids online cos once you stream them, 5 mins later, the comp will crash! =((( i desperately want a new comp! okay enough ranting. Tok abt genting, hahas

Nothing much to tok abt, cos it rained and we couldn't play much. But because it rained, we had beautiful fog!(lol)

The breathtaking scenery

Most of the time in genting all play indoors, cos outdoors wet. then we play alot of LAN. The CS there nice sia. Although playing with real ppl on lan is nice, esp pro ones, the nicest is we all(real players) team up and fight a huge troop of bots! we like 7 players at CT then fight 20 terrorist bots! fun sia....

Since I haven't been blogging for like 3 weeks already, I should just add in a little details of wad happened!
Now rewind~!
Before my bro's bday, got a funny bird come to our house and stay there don't move! even we touch it or disturb it it will also remain there! weird lor. Then later got a uncle that is my mother's fren say de bird not good cos very noisy, and ask me to take it away. =( so I bring it under a tree and left it there. Then the next day when i and my brother go to the park, we saw it there! lol how it go there one!

Then the next day, we went back to de park, then we saw it lying on the floor! dead liao ="(( It appeared to be whacked by someone! so evil sia. I don't have the pic of the dead bird cos not nice lol.

Then 2 days before the bday, robby's family invited us to eat pasta mania. We emptied 2 bottles of cheese during our visit there! funny sia.

the day before the party, met dex and cellmates in steamboat for cell bonding! had a hard time getting there sia, cos very ulu de place. hahas

Lol randomly said somehthing abt avid blog readers and now sarah keep disturbing me liao... COOL

Then is my bro's party. It appeared that all his classmates except 3 were busy cos of some class comittee meeting. Lol so it's robby frens, and my frens that dominated the guests. heheheheheh. Well it was fun anyway. IT SHOULD BE! COS I SKIPPED MY NJC DSA CHOIR AUDITION JUST FOR THE PARTY! RAAR.

Didn't manage the play all the games but we did some nice improvisation and had a great time!
Battle Royale Night Edition.

All in all this 2 week was eventful but the thing is, no homework done! I think i si liao la... hahas wh try my best to complete! tmr still going church camp with dex! may the lord be with us! Amen Amen Amen...

Oh just in addition, I want to recomend this Japanese drama to you ppl(avid blog readers lol). Most of you may have heard or watched it already, esp those who are drama crazy(like yizhen) lol. But for those who have not, i seriously recommend this, cos it's very nice! hahas kk so here's the first ep of hana yori dango

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Online Videos by Veoh.com

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 3:04 AM


17 =)
HCJC 09S77
RioHC! -Tenor =D

Amanda Lim
KCPSS Choir! <3
Jeremy L
Isaac Ang
Wenwah =P
Amanda Chia
Kylie =)


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
November 2008
January 2009