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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy bday valerie! =D
do you feel taller? hahas
sixteen is sweet but not you...
LOL! joking! =P

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 10:42 AM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

those were the 2 words that started it all
hahas had a fun time crapping/playing with dex and liang at kfc today. After phys remedial, we deicided to go KFC to eat away all our sorrows and then we tok tok tok...
Then dexter say that got a person called ben, he is from school band one(notice the pun), and he is a pro drummer in a band also... So we make fun say he also have bandage(bendage) Then sl he suddenly say "Bondage!"
lol abit no link but actually have la... the "dage"
so thats all that got the ball rolling.

First we played the words continuation game, say a word and the next person have to say another word that has link with any of the syllable with the first word...
like "guiness"
then "Guitar" (all gui)
Or "Peacefulness"
then "Guinea" (all ness then nea)
so quite easy... cos it's any of the syllable of the previous word...
Lol then got we got stuck when i said "Guitar"
then sl said "tar"(joke sia)
Then dex cannot think...
Then suddenly i wanted to tell them abt wad word i tot abt but then burst out laughing... then they also laugh sia... not because of wad i said, which was inaudible cos i laughed so much, but cos they laugh that i laugh. Then i see them laugh i cannot stop laughing sia... then laugh laugh laugh so much, nvr laugh so much before...
Anw i wanted to say that the next word could be "s-tar", which was "star"... lol

Then after that funny game we continued to play one more game... a game that also will improve our english. Somebody write a sentence then we have to rewrite the sentence in a same meaning but in a different manner, using diff words and all these... Then the next person must rewrite the sentence constructed by the previous player... then the sentence will change change change then can see the sentence at last the meanign got deviate how much...

The first sentence was "our life is full of loopholes"
We anyhow on this sentence sia... at last become like "we have the freedom to do anything we want" and "nothing is impossible"

Then 2nd sentence was "Friends are always there for us"
This one we play got penalty and timing one! at first if nvr finish writing you sentence in 1 min, plus 1/2 penalty points, then later in the game is nvr finish writing is 30 secs then will plus 1/2 penalty points... but luckily nobody tio sia... then later at the end of the game since nobody tio so we check and penalise the ppl that change the sentence too much and inappropriately... in the end i and dex all draw sia, each have to most and same points... sl lesser cos he alway change quite safe... he last game always change damn different, cos he is like inferring from the sentence rather than stating the same meaning, for example, "friends are always there for us," he can like inference liddat, say "we can always rely on frens" lololol... so now got penalty le then he play safe le la... so i and dex rematch and he won cos in the sentence he gave me to change i nvr change all the words completely... X(((
so tmr got penalty treat drink sia.... no.....

But very long nvr laugh so much le lor... hahas... but soon i had to zao cos got piano lesson at 6.30... then at the way home from piano class met Andrew and Darren all these at the traffic light at opposite ends of the road, then when we crossing when green man flashing, we stopped to tok for a few secs, making a bus cannot cross, lol, then i think because of that there got a jam for a few mins lol =XXX

tmr swim swim!!! =D

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 8:17 AM

Monday, May 12, 2008

After a long and tedious day in school doing sian hcl paper, i, andrew, sl and dexter met jeremy at bcc to play basketball and after playing for a long time, sl, andrew and jerms all went home, so i go dex house and skipped dinner...
at dex house we played guitar and do random stuff... then we started to write a song...
a song abt the greatest treasure anybody could give us; a song abt frens... =D

The Greatest Treasure

Here's the lyrics:
In my life,
there are many troubles and worries.
We cry, all the time.

Through the toughest moments of our times,
we have nobody by our side.
We cry, all the time.

But in the darkness there came light,
that pulled me through the fight.
They tried, all the time.

Now there is hope in my sight,
I can tell wrong from right.
I'll try, all the time.

There are figures standing beside me, but I've never put them inside me.
'Cause I thought they were never trustworthy.

Soon I had to agree, there is nothing more to worry.
You are my best friend, forever in my life!

What are friends for?
To strengthen and adore.
Believing and encouraging,
Giving me what I need.

What are friends for?
To help me when I fall.
Quenching all my sorrows,
Striving for tomorrow.
/What are friends for...(Ending)

Bridge 1
I know that you'll be there for me now,
I know you'll be there tomorrow,
I know you'll be there tor me forever and ever...

Bridge 2

I know that I trust you, you know that you trust me....

Took a long time to record it and we retake like alot of times, so when i went home it was quite late, hahas

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 8:28 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

hahas exams over le... got back two papers and all very pretty good, lol
so after the exams we decided to chill and go out, ended up meeting dexter at coven to cut hair first. And de hair stylist style dexter until everybody not used to it, then ppl call him ultraman lol... shengliang met us after we cut hair and then we went to take mrt to meet the other guys

so we met andrew, jian fa, sihui, yizhen and esther at town. Esther wear until very womanly sia... hahas =D The girls were hungry so we immediately find place to eat. Ate pepper express, very long nvr eat already... not bad

Crapping in mrt... 01234

sightseeing in mrt

ME and Dexter... and sihui's fren =P

the friendly ghost... hahas


After that we shop for a long time, brought sl's present and then went to zhen's house to watch a tv show... ghost de, but not scary cos i dunt understand the plot... we didn't really pay attention anyway hahas cos we keep taking pics
01234567... again

got angel's hand! =O

black and white

emo and guai lan =D

shutter.... ghosts in the picture

Show teeth! =DDDDD

Ultramann!!! esther is inverted ultraman... lol ultrawoman

Then when the show playing, the clock pass 12am... it's SL's bday!!! =DDD then we surprise him with doughnuts and felicia, hahas she came to surprise him, so sweet rite... aww =PP

his present from foo

touched feelings =")

happy bday sl! =D

Hahas then after that we like lose interest in the show already, only saw the final showdown where de ghost use the lift to cut the guy's heaad off... lol
we played games to eat the doughnuts and it was dexter's idea, but funnily in both games he always the first one to tio... lol

Then after the show end we just chat chat and ppl went of early, like jian fa... then i and sihui also went off early and the rest went off later... Esther and felicia stayed over, hahas

Yeah so it was a fun time la... tmr got school again =(

stop looking down
brightness will break through, and SHINE @ 4:25 AM


17 =)
HCJC 09S77
RioHC! -Tenor =D

Amanda Lim
KCPSS Choir! <3
Jeremy L
Isaac Ang
Wenwah =P
Amanda Chia
Kylie =)


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
November 2008
January 2009